Tech Ed Evaluation Tools


There are many models of to look at when evaluating the level of technology integration. These models all vary in terminology but have the consistent goal evaluating whether technology is being used on a basic level or is it being used to create new learning opportunities that did not exist before the technology.

Here are some great resources that explain some of the models

R.A.T. -- Replace Amplify Transform

Basic explanation of R A T from the Digital Literacy Blog

Replacement - Technology tool replaces an existing tool with no real benefit

Amplification - Technology tool improves the learning environment

Transformation - Technology has changed the learning environment by creating learning opportunities that did not exist before the technology.

S.A.M.R -- Substitute, Augment, Modify, Redefine

SAMR aligned with Blooms Taxonomy

The SAMR model is one of the most popular evaluation models. It defines Technology integration along 4 spectrums: 

Substitution - Technology acts as a direct tool substitute with no functional change

Augmentation - Technology substitutes and also improves functionality

Modification - Technology allows for significant task redesign

Redefinition - Technology provides the opportunity to create a new task that was not available before the tool


T.I.M.  correlates 5 Levels of Technology Integration with 5 Characteristics of the Learning Environment

Technology Integration Levels
Entry, Adoption, Adaptation, Infusion, Transformation

Characteristics of the Learning Environment
Active, Collaborative, Constructive, Authentic, Goal Directed

Download the  TIM Matrix  Here


5 features of Pixels that Out perform Paper
Situated practice (work anywhere, any place, space, or time)
Accessibility (access to information)
Multi-modality (screen centred creations)
Mutability (provisionality/fluidity/malleability)
Social networking (syncronous/asyncronous people power)
